What are the top search engines looking for in their search for their "top 20"? 

Part of it is the meta-tags, the keywords within your site that search engines lure for.  Some of it is the actual content of your website, and where that content is placed.  Some of it is navigation, and how people go from page to page to page.  Some of it is graphics and photos, and where they are placed within your website.  We have the knowledge, the experience, and all of the tools and techniques to get that traffic coming to your website.

Having a website for your business is very important.  Having a great design, and great photos, and great content, and great navigation... all of this is very important.  But if your website is not marketed, is not submitted and placed in the top 21 search engines, nobody will find it during a search on the World Wide Web.

You want potential customers to be able to pull up your website within the top 10-30 selections when they search for your product or service categories.  The closer to the top 10 selections you can have your website, the more traffic (and more sales) you will have.


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